Why subscribe?

Pretty good question, come to think of it. I mean, these days, chances are half-decent that I have annoyed you enough already by ranting about strategy all over the proverbial shop - on stage, on podcasts, on TV, in newspapers, in columns for MarketingWeek and plenty of other places in which my wife has told me to shut up already. Apologies if you had to hear that.

I guess it would have to be because you are either a masochist or want the kind of truly nerdy in-depth commentary and analysis that, for various reasons, I would not publish anywhere else. Or both, I guess. I don’t judge.

Whatever your reason, I shall be eternally grateful for your subscription. It will net you full access to the Strategy in Praxis newsletter, the 2021 Castlin Manifesto and an instant +1,000 cool points.

What is Strategy in Praxis?

Undoubtedly a newsletter. Definitely will come out bi-weekly. Likely will challenge your views on strategy. Probably worth reading.

Why does it cost money to subscribe?

Because it costs money to write.

Subscribe to Strategy in Praxis

Incoherent ramblings about complexity-coherent strategy.


Consultancy exec turned independent strategic management type with a penchant for the complex. Creator of NSM, the ABCDE framework, and Idun. As seen on stage, on TV, in books, in newspapers, in columns for MarketingWeek, and so on.